What they say!

  • "Our meetings have been the highlight of my week for months now. I appreciate that you are always in my corner, encouraging me to challenge myself and what i am capable of. I am one grateful client!"


  • "Jessica has been crucial in my weight loss journey. down 150 lbs in 11 months. Jessica is extremely knowledgeable, friendly, and very supportive. She is a great communicator and flexible with her schedule.


  • "We couldn't have done it without your support Jessica. You are a stellar coach!"

    -Karen and Laura

How Ideal Protein Transformed My Health

~ As a passionate advocate for health and nutrition, I understand the arduous journey of weight loss all too well. Following the birth of my baby boy, the struggle to shed excess weight became even more challenging. Despite my earnest attempts with various low-carb diets, success eluded me.

Then, I discovered Ideal Protein, and it altered my health and lifestyle in remarkable ways. What initially captivated me was the program’s structured approach, providing a clear path to achieving my weight loss goals. The post-program maintenance strategy also reassured me, offering a plan for sustaining my achievements.

In just three short months on the Ideal Protein program, I experienced a profound transformation. Shedding 22 pounds was not merely a physical change, it revitalized my spirit and energy, culminating in a newfound sense of confidence and comfort in my own skin.

Beyond the physical changes, the program equipped me with invaluable knowledge and tools, empowering me to maintain my ideal weight and embrace a fulfilling, healthy lifestyle. Ideal Protein didn't just help me lose weight, it revolutionized my life.

Ideal Protein's structured approach, coupled with its post-program support and maintenance strategy, delivered results that had previously eluded me. It isn't just a diet, it's a comprehensive life-changing program that has truly made a difference in my life.

If you're striving to achieve lasting weight loss success, and to reclaim your energy and happiness, Ideal Protein might just be the transformative solution you've been looking for. ~

- Jessica

I am so grateful I decided to take the plunge and commit to the IP protocol.

~ In 2016 I had hit my heaviest at 210lbs. I was only 18 and I knew I couldn’t keep going the way I was. I felt sick all the time, had no energy and zero self confidence.

I started with just trying to eat healthier and going to the gym 5-6 days a week and counting calories using a fitness app. I did this for a couple of years and found myself stuck at 200lbs. Even though I was more active I still struggled with over eating. I wasn’t making the changes needed in my diet to make an impact on my weight. I was beyond frustrated and felt like giving up.

Next, I joined the Keto diet craze as I had seen many have great results. After a couple months I was able to lose another 20 lbs. At 180 I started to feel better but I knew I needed to get to a healthier weight.

I was really trying to follow through on my own but I had no one to hold me accountable.

I knew I needed a BIG change. I needed the support of a coach to challenge me and keep me accountable.

My sister Jessica had been following the Ideal Protein protocol for a couple years at this point and I had watched her achieve her goals. She then started coaching others to achieve their own goals. In August of 2020, I decided to commit to this new plan.

With help of Jessica’s coaching and the easy to follow IP protocol I I finally reached my goal weight.

From my experience, the biggest difference in the IP protocol is that you have the one on one coaching. For me, having a coach to guide me through not only what I eat but to get through the mental battle of overcoming my food addiction has been a life changer.

I would not have gotten where I am today without the help of a dedicated coach who often cared more about my goal then I did.

- Briana

We couldn’t be happier or more grateful!

~ Seven years ago, we both felt uncomfortable, unhealthy, and generally tired of being overweight. We were also tired of trying to diet on our own, with no success. We came upon Ideal Protein and decided that we would put every effort into making it work for us. We stayed on Phase 1 for about 6 months and had lost all of the weight we wanted to lose. (50 lbs/Karen and 40 lbs/Laura).

We started Phase 2 with excitement and moved into maintenance by summer time. We fared quite well through the summer, but in the fall, our coach retired. We thought that we knew what we were doing, but soon enough, the good habits that we had tried to incorporate into our daily lives stopped and we went back to our former ways of eating.  The scales slowly started creeping up again and before too long, we were back at square one. Then Covid hit and like many people, we found comfort in food and gained even more.

Discouraged and disappointed in ourselves, we vowed to try once more, gain control, and make sure that it didn’t happen again. That is when we found Jessica. From the first meeting, we knew that this was going to be different.

Jessica was so invested in our success and wanted us to look at not just our diet, but the reasons why we ate, when we ate, and how we ate. We stayed on Phase 1 for 4 months, met with Jessica weekly, recorded our food intake daily in our journals and watched the weight fall off through the Fit3D scans. Soon enough, we had lost the weight that we wanted to lose, and proceeded to Phase 2. This time, however, we were introduced to Macros and how they can work to help you stay on track. What a difference!!!

Now we have a road map to know what works for each of us and how to uniquely balance our daily food intake for our own bodies. We have different numbers and can eat accordingly to maintain our goals! ~

Jessica has also coached us about how to recover from a weight increase, using the macro codes and Ideal Protein products. She is the best cheerleader ever!! Her knowledge helped guide us to success and we truly feel that this is a lifelong change.

- Karen and Laura.

Ideal Protein helped me get my life and energy back.

~ I was struggling with weight loss for a while, between going through menopause and hyperthyroidism, my metabolism is extremely slow, and I had a really hard time finding something that worked for me.

Ideal Protein helped raise my metabolism and I finally started to lose weight, I tried a few different things before, Weight Watchers, Mediterranean diet etc. It wasn’t until I found Ideal Protein that I started to see some real and consistent results, I started to really feel better as well, less tired, more energy, and just overall healthier.

The one on one coaching really played a huge part in my success with my weight loss journey, I lost 30 pounds. And I feel great. ~

- Kimberley